fredag den 20. juni 2014

Fredag i dragt

I dag har jegdragten på, som jeg købte til Rita Blås Lopper forrige uge. Jeg ELSKER den, den er så rar at have på, og kostede den 50 kr. Den er fra H&M, ikke særlig vintage.

En af grundene til min kærlighed til denne dragt er også, at jeg synes, den er yderst flatterende i forhold til min ikke-eksisterende talje.

Den passer godt til en fredag, hvor formiddagen er gået med jobansøgninger og billedredigering.

Om lidt smutter jeg ud i verden. Jeg har allieret mig med Rikke, der har lovet at gå med mig i Stof2000 og kigge efter stof til en kjole (faktisk to) - og bagefter tager jeg til forstaderne, ud at besøge min mor, der har lovet at hjælpe mig med at se, om vi kan konstruere et mønster til en 1920'er-inspiret dagkjole ud fra en kjole, jeg har liggende. Og så har jeg en bunke tøj, der skal sys ind, dels efter vægttab, men også efter sidste uge 25 kr. udslag i FN92, hvor jeg blandt andet fik en fin prikket sommerkjole med jakke til - i størrelse 48!

This is my new onesie that I bought at the flea market at Sønder Boulevard a fortnight ago. I am looking forward to go fabric-shopping in a moment-

Rita Blås Lopper

Et af mine yndlingsmarkeder, når det kommer til loppemarkeder, må uden tvivl være Rita Blås Lopper, der som oftest holder til på Sønder Boulevard. Det er et marked med mange private sælgere og få proffer (ikke at jeg ikke kan lide proffer, jeg elsker dem) - og det er altid meget stort og meget populært.

Under Lindy Exchange tog jeg Rikke under armen og ud i solen for at kigge på ting og sager. Og jeg kom hjem med ALT for meget.

Det var næsten hysterisk varmt, men stemningen var god.

Rikke havde sin nye Paris-kjole fra Bernie Dexter på, en kjole, som jeg er meget misundelig over.

Find hvad som helst på markedet.... dog mest tøj. Det er faktisk min eneste anke ved markedet. Der er ikke meget antik-hejs og sjove køkkensager. Det er mest tøj. Til gengæld er der meget af det, og det er billigt.

Jeg kom selv hjem med en pose fyldt med:

Lilla Converse til at have på på Roskilde efter at have smidt min røde Roskildesko ud.
New Balance trainers til 40 kr.
En fantastisk grøn heldragt, blot fra H&M, men så fin!
Blå 1950'er-badedragt
Cat eye-solbriller
Tropical flower- bukser, som min kæreste synes er det grimmest i verden, men jeg elsker.

Went to one of my favorite fleas and bought a hell lot of nice stuff!

The Vintage Walk - adresses

Der har været stille her på bloggen, men det skyldes udelukkende travlhed! Forrige uge løb Copenhagen Lindy Exchange af stablen, og udover al den dejlige dans, så stod jeg, som tidligere nævnt, for en Vintge Walk i København, nærmere betegnet Indre By og Nørrebro.

Til daglig er jeg tidspessimist, hvilket vil sige, at jeg konsekvent kommer for tidligt til aftaler og afsætter en halv time til at cykle uanset om jeg skal rundt om hjørnet eller helt til Amager, men lige netop omkring Vintage Walk havde jeg tilsyneladende bevæget mig over i den modsatte grøft. Der var afsat to timer til turen, hvilket jeg troede ville være alt for lang tid. I sidste ende endte vi med at være ude i tre timer. Ca 20 skønne damer mødte op og fandt mig  og mit skilt.

Vi havde så travlt, at vi endda måtte springe to af de planlagt butikker over!

Her er listen over steder, vi besøgte:

FN92, Larsbjørnsstræde 6 kld. th, Kbh K 

 Episode, Larsbjørnsstræde 8 1454 København K

København K, Teglgårdsstræde 6, Kbh K

Prag, Nørrebrogade 45,  Kbh N.

Gemmeren, Fælledvej 9, Kbh N.

Mondo Kaos, Birkegade 1, Kbh N.

Antikbutikken, hjørnet af  Ravnsborggade, Kbh N.

Decor, Rømersgade 9, Kbh K.

I hosted the Vintage Walk tour at the CPH:LX two weeks ago. Here is the list if you'd like to take the same tour in Copenhagen.

fredag den 6. juni 2014

Soo not the plan - 2 new dresses

I am bad! A few days ago I packed a load of stuff to sell at the Vintage Corner at CPH:LX and it was great to free some hangers in the closet.

But hey, a lot of swing dancers did the same, and yesterday I brought home two nice "new" dresses, sigh! That really wasn't a part of the plan.
 First I bought the cute summer dress from Pinup couture that my fellow Charlestonista Michelle had brought to the Corner. She is also the woman behind the boutique and have put a great effort in making it nice and welcoming - good work!

 I cannot help it. I love flowery prints and full skirts!

 I also fell for this 70s dress. It is a little off my usual style, but I love the 30s feeling that the cape gives me. And it is so comftable to wear, very light - and the the price was 70 kr.!

Preparty CPH:LX

Yesterday was the grand opening of the Copenhagen Lindy Exchange 2014. This is what I wore. It was a good idea to wear a sleeveless top. Even though the weather is not quite as hot and sunny as last year the Barrels & Lion venue soon felt like a sauna.

My legs were a little tired after a 8 km run earlier that day but I got some great dances and enjoyed my hour of sitting down while volountering in the door.

Swing dance meets Distortion Festival

Two years ago MissInformation arranged wednesday swing dancing at the bridge by Kaffesalonen at Nørrebro. That was the summer that I started swing dancing and I really enjoyed the warm summer evenings there.

Unfortunately the wednesday swing nights were'nt possible last summer, so it was a welcoming surprise when it was announced  that there would be swing dance at Kaffesalonen this summer, yay!

This wednesday was the grand opening - the same day as Distortion (big music event in the streets of Copenghagen) was taking place at Nørrebro, and I was excited to see how Chris Tanner Trio would cope with all the Distortion-noise. But they did! And what a night allthough I missed the little coloured lamps. People were in a great mood, totally ignoring the drunk teenagers and just dancing their feet out of the shoes.

 Distortion as it appears from a swing dancers point of view at Kaffesalonen

 Chris Tanner Trio ready for their newt set.

onsdag den 4. juni 2014

What I have been up to lately

The timejust flies at the moment and so much is happening. But I have decided to be better at bringing my camera every where as I used to earlier. There fore I have some photo documention.

Last friday I took the time to stop at the antique market at Thorvaldsens Plads. It was sunny and although there wasn't too many people the atmosphere was great. I almost did'nt get away from the market again as a seller with a table full of christmas plates chatted for almost 30 minutes.

I love breakfast with my handsome man. In the week days he usually brings me coffee and breakfast in bed, but sometimes I pull myself together and get up so we can have breakfast at table.

Yeah, I have been modelling!!!! Back in march I attended this historic fashion show about underwear from 1850 to now at the National Museum, and this was a shorter version of the show. I liked my hair, outfit and make up MUCH better this time.

I would love to eat watermelon every day of the summer! It is the best.

I try to take a run three times a week, and I love Utterslev Mose and Bispebjerg cemetary.

My boyfriend and I tried the new almost non-alcoholic beers from Carlsberg when we went for a walk sunday. Unfortunateely this blond-version was rather discusting, but the other one (gylden) was ok.

I am not a fan of birds! Especially not the geese, but as long as the don't chase my at my runs I try to keep a good relationship with them.

We spent a long weekend in Sweden with my boyfriends family, so nice to get away from everything! I spent the days knitting, reading (I finally finished Lars Saaby Christensen Halvbroderen, best book in years!), taking naps and eating cake. I also too two runs and went on a walk hoping to meet a moose. No luck. But I did see some deer and Niels saw a rabbit when we were running. I was too busy trying not to faint or cry.

Oh, and this cat was watching us from a distance.

Vintage corner

I have been home all day organizing my clothes, shoes and accessorize for the vintage corner at the Copenhagen Lindy Exchange this weekend.
 I will be selling some really nice vintage dresses at reasonable prices, shoes for dancing, shoes with waaaay too high heels for dancing, hats and a polka dotty hand bag.

 Glitter shoes!

 Hats and a belt.